2101 Triana Blvd. Huntsville, AL 35805

(256) 539-0651 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

If I drop out of class, can I finish at a later time?

If you must drop out, you can come back at any time in the future by
purchasing a new textbook, if necessary, and by paying one
half of the then current tuition. Of course, you can come back
anytime and finish the class within one year of starting with no
additional fee.

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Do I have to pay all my tuition up front or do you have a payment plan?

We offer a variety of programs for the student who wants or needs
to pay their tuition on an installment basis. We can customize a
program to meet your specific financial situation.

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Can you assist me in locating a real estate position? Full time or Part time placement?

We work with all Real Estate companies, not just one. While we
are Real Estate Brokers, we do not use our school as a recruiting
tool for our company as so many other schools do. We do not have
a job placement program. You are free to choose a Real Estate
company that best fits your needs.

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Do you have a cram course before the Exam? Do you have this course every month?

We offer an “intense” review class (cram course) covering all the
material the student is to be tested on. It is offered every month,
except December. You may attend the review class as many times
as you desire!

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What if I need extra help for a particular lecture session? Can I get a review of that lecture?

You can attend any of our lectures at any of our times or attend all
the classes each week if you so desire. You can attend them as
many times as you want within one year of your starting date

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I understand that I must attend 90% of each class. What happens if I miss a class? Can I make it up? When?

You can get the required lectures at any of our locations and times.
We design classes so that each lecture is taught at least three
times a month, so you won’t have to wait to get all the requirements.

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Is your class “Live Instruction” or Videotapes?

Our lectures are all LIVE; video is never used as a regular
class. We do use videotape for some presentations.

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Can I attend a class “Free”, without any further obligation to see if I like your class?

We encourage you to attend one of our classes! We know we
offer an excellent program and are willing to put our program
“on the line” so you can see, first hand, how our program works
before you spend the money!

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Do you conduct morning AND evening classes? If so, am I locked into the class I register in or can I select my own schedule?

(i.e. mix and match to suit my individual schedule)

We offer a morning and evening class in Huntsville and evening
throughout the year. We offer evening classes in Cullman on a
scheduled basis. Each class, each week, is a different module.
You can take one, two or three classes each week if you so desire!
We sometimes use a video during class, but it does not take the
place of our regular classes. They are used more specifically
for make up classes. The bottom line is this; we offer more
classes at more times than any other school in North Alabama.
We publish a schedule so you can plan your schedule in advance!

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When can I start? When can I finish?

Since we teach the subject matter in a “module” form and use a
textbook written around these modules, you can start our
program at any time you desire and you can finish the class at
any time within one (1) year of the date of your first class!

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